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Good Dog Training
Attention Game
Step 1: Be well armed with treats and walk over to your dog. As soon as she gives you attention say “yes” and start feeding her 15-20 little pieces of treat in rapid succession. Don’t pause between pieces. She doesn’t need to sit or make eye contact, just have her attention on you. If she gets distracted by crumbs on the floor just wait for her attention to return to you, say “yes” and go back to feeding her. After 15-20 treats, pause for a couple of seconds to see what she does. If her attention returns to you or stays on you throughout the pause say “yes” and feed her another 15-20 treats. Pause again, and as soon as her attention is on you say “yes” and feed another 15-20 treats. Repeat again. After the last round of treats say “all done” and walk away. When she is no longer looking for crumbs when you pause and doesn’t leave to check out a distraction you’ll be ready for step 2.
Step 2: just as in step 1 feed 15-20 treats but instead of pausing say “take” and toss a treat about a foot from you so she has to turn away to get it. As soon as she turns back say “yes” and feed another 15-20 treats. Repeat 2 more times and end with all done.
Do both steps initially only in the house in different places, with and without the leash. If she makes a different choice and leaves the game, say “all done” and end the game.
Once she is solid with step 2, marry the game to the door routine, starting with step 1. When she can do step 1 with the door open graduate to step 2 and throw the treat inside. When she’s solidly returning her attention to you start tossing the treat outside the door. When she’s reliably keeping her attention on you start playing outside, first in the back yard, then in front of the house, then in the front yard, the street, and in out into the world.
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