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Good Dog Training
Treating Ticks and Tick Bites
Not really a training tip, but some important information if you live anyplace where ticks are present (like Austin). Ticks carry Lyme disease and other diseases that can be harmful or deadly to both your dog and you, so knowing how to get rid of them and treat the bite will help you and your dog stay healthy.
Ticks like warm, moist places, so be sure to check under your dog's collar or harness and inside his ears. Nymph and adult ticks feed on dogs and will feel like a wart or skin bump. If you're not sure what that bump is, use a magnifying glass to get a better look. If you see little legs, it's a tick. Never try to twist to burn it off, or use substances like kerosene. Just get some tweezers, overcome your revulsion, and grab the tick by the head. Pull straight back. Then drop the tick in some water with a couple of drops of dish soap so it can't stay on the surface. Or crush it. Treat the bite with some hydrogen peroxide to kill any Lyme disease. If your dog is a light color you can just pour the hydrogen peroxide on the bite. If your dog is dark, it's better to use an eye dropper or Q-tip to put the hydrogen peroxide on the bite, since HP is a bleach and can bleach the hair. Of course, hair does fall out and grow back, so it's not a disaster if you do end up bleaching a spot.
Remember, tick bites don't itch so you won't see your dog scratching at them. Be sure to check your dog if you've been anywhere that ticks are likely and use those monthly preventatives!